Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mantic Games Enforcers.

Another update blink.gif

I pre-ordered the Warpath Enforcers figures from Mantic Games.

I assembled the first 5 figures last night.

A few quick comparison photos for reference.  The Grey Knight in Power Armour is still a W.I.P.  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Norman Knights WIP

Hi Guys,

I am still painting although gaming has been non existent (for now).

To prove it here is a photo of a Norman Knight that is nearly finished.

I used a Little Big Men Studios shield transfer for the Conquest Games Norman Knight.  The shield transfers are excellent and easy to use.  A hole is left in the transfer for a shield boss and most of the Conquest Games shields have no shield boss.

Using a Gripping Beast kite shield I made a mould using Green Stuff of the shield boss.

I left the mould for a day and a half and then started press moulding green stuff shield bosses.  I wet the mould before press moulding so the green stuff did not stick.

The figure is painted, shield transfer is on.  I used Super Glue to glue the new shield boss onto the shield and painted it metal before using a black wash.

Now I have to use gloss varnish on the shield to protect it then matt varnish the whole figure before adding flock and it is finished!

11 more knights to go.

Happy Gaming to you all!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

SAGA - The Tapestry

Hi Guys,

Our Gaming group has started getting into SAGA.

The guys over at WWPD have also started SAGA and with it a webpage devoted to SAGA.

The Tapestry is the place to follow their exploits and other information related to SAGA  and the Dark Ages.

Happy gaming,


WWPD - News from the front Episode 39!

Hi Guys,

I love playing Flames of War with my mates amongst other historical games like Black Powder, Clash of Empires.......

I normally tune in to the WWPD (What Would Patton Do) podcast as it is light hearted, great fun and the guys just encourage the hobby they enjoy so much.

For the most part it is Flames of War based although other games get a mention from time to time.

Episode 39 is something a bit special as it includes an interview with John-Paul of Battlefront fame.

John-Paul answers some great questions from the guys and gives away a few spoilers.    For that alone it is well worth listening to.

Happy Gaming,


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

World War Two in 28 mm?

Hi Guys,

While I still enjoy Flames of War the offerings at Warlord Games Bolt Action Range of figures and vehicles are too nice to not explore further.

I ordered British Infantry, German Infantry and british Commandos and a couple of Universal Carriers and Support weapons for each to see what the quality is like.

I am pleased to say AWESOME!

The plan is to expand the collection for Skirmish Gaming but in the short term here are a few preview pictures.  After all I must at least try to finish my SAGA project first!

British Rifleman

British Bren Gunner

Lastly a comparison vs a GW Space Marine

Happy Gaming,


Norman Knights for SAGA

Hi Guys,

Bet you didn't think I would follow with an update so quickly after the first!

I picked up a box of Conquest Games Norman Knights.  They are a nice plastic set which allow for easy conversions and are nicely detailed which I hope my photos display below.

You will notice that all have had the plastic spears removed and replaced with Brass Wire Spears.  I have  young kids and the chance of a few breakages are pretty good.

Parts are included for a command group including a Lord, Musician, and Banner/Pennant Bearer.

The casualty base is a very nice touch as well

Lastly in the box Renedra Bases are included (both single and double cavalry bases - 4 of each).  I decided to magnetise the bases for storage and transport using 3 mm diameter rare earth magnets.

I am very happy with the Conquest Games Normans and am looking to add more for my SAGA Army.  I may even extend the collection for playing larger Clash of Empires or Hail Caesar games.  Mmmmm Crusades .......

We are due to play SAGA again in around two weeks and I hope to have some paint on them by then!

Happy Gaming,


SAGA - Dark Ages Skirmish Gaming

Hi Guys,

Update time again - Finally!!

Over the last month or so a good friend has introduced me to SAGA a Dark Ages Skirmish Game.

SAGA by Tomahawk Studio is well worth looking at providing an enjoyable game with not too many figures.  I will not ramble too much about the game but here are a few links for those interested:

Studio Tomahawk Forums

SAGA Products - released through Gripping Beast

Needless to say the game has grown in popularity that many other gaming stores sell it as well but at least the above links point you in the right direction.

Fans have even created 100 Years War and Ancient Greek Iliad variants which are available on the forums (from memory).

Best of all, any miniature range goes!

More to follow!

Happy Gaming,
