Wednesday, June 6, 2012

SAGA - Dark Ages Skirmish Gaming

Hi Guys,

Update time again - Finally!!

Over the last month or so a good friend has introduced me to SAGA a Dark Ages Skirmish Game.

SAGA by Tomahawk Studio is well worth looking at providing an enjoyable game with not too many figures.  I will not ramble too much about the game but here are a few links for those interested:

Studio Tomahawk Forums

SAGA Products - released through Gripping Beast

Needless to say the game has grown in popularity that many other gaming stores sell it as well but at least the above links point you in the right direction.

Fans have even created 100 Years War and Ancient Greek Iliad variants which are available on the forums (from memory).

Best of all, any miniature range goes!

More to follow!

Happy Gaming,


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